Bible Book Studies
Romans 16 Overview
Romans 16 Personal notes and greetings Handout Summary Paul winds up this reasoned theological letter by extending personal greetings and appreciation to some of the beloved fellow servants of the Lord in Rome. From this we get a glimpse of the servants of the Lord, and of Paul in his ministry. Anyone who serves the…
Read MoreRomans 16 Commentary
Romans 16 Personal notes and greetings Summary Paul winds up this reasoned theological letter by extending personal greetings and appreciation to some of the beloved fellow servants of the Lord in Rome. From this we get a glimpse of the servants of the Lord, and of Paul in his ministry. Anyone who serves the Lord…
Read MoreHebrews Overview
Theme, Chapter Titles, and Chapter Summaries 2013 Update, Tod Kennedy Hebrews Theme. Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, is superior to angels, Moses, the Levitical priesthood, the tabernacle, the Levitical sacrifices, and the Old Covenant, and is the leader of a better way of life. The author exhorts the believers of the first century and then…
Read MoreHebrews Main Points
2009 Hebrews Study—Main Points to Emphasize Tod Kennedy, June-July, 2009 1. Christ the Son, chapters 1-4 Main points to emphasize in Hebrew 1 Jesus is the final personal revelation of God and as such he is the only one worthy of our complete faith, confidence, loyalty, and service. He is God. He is maintains the…
Read MorePerfect teleioo in Hebrews
Hebrews 10 Study Perfect teleioo used in Hebrews Tod Kennedy, April 2009 Perfect. 2:10; 5:9, 14; 6:1; 7:11, 19, 28; 9:9, 11; 10:1, 14; 11:40; 12:12:23.
Read MoreHebrews Doctrines Outline
2009 Hebrews Study—Doctrines from Hebrews Listing doctrines is possible because we have already done the exegesis-exposition. The next step is to correctly apply these doctrines Tod Kennedy, June-July, 2009 1. Christ the Son, chapters 1-4 The Father speaks through the Son Revelation in Old Testament, 1 Revelation through Jesus, 2, Nature and character of Jesus…
Read MoreHebrews 1
Hebrews class 3, Hebrews chapter 1 January 21, 2009 Second edition. These notes will be revised as needed. Tod Kennedy The Father speaks through the Son Main points to emphasize in Hebrew 1 Jesus is the final personal revelation of God and as such he is the only one worthy of our complete faith, confidence,…
Read MoreHebrews 2
Hebrews class 4, Hebrews chapter 2 January 28, 2009 Tod Kennedy The Father honors the Son Main points to emphasize in Hebrew 2 Do not drift away from and neglect what we have heard from the Father through the Son because if disobedience to the law brought penalty, so will disobedience to the New Testament…
Read MoreHebrews 3
Hebrews class 5, Hebrews chapter 3, Revised February 4, 2009 These notes will be revised as needed Tod Kennedy Main points to emphasize in Hebrew 3 We are to carefully think about the apostle and high priest of our confession, Jesus Christ and hold to what we say we believe in order to faithfully serve…
Read MoreHebrews 4
Hebrews class 6, Hebrews chapter 4 These notes will be revised as needed February 11, 2009 Tod Kennedy Main points to emphasize in Hebrew 4 We need to be alert to believe and apply God’s good news promises so that we will enter and experience the calming rest that He has for us. When we…
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