Hebrews Doctrines Outline
2009 Hebrews Study—Doctrines from Hebrews
Listing doctrines is possible because we have already done the exegesis-exposition.
The next step is to correctly apply these doctrines
Tod Kennedy, June-July, 2009
1. Christ the Son, chapters 1-4
- The Father speaks through the Son
- Revelation in Old Testament, 1
- Revelation through Jesus, 2,
- Nature and character of Jesus Christ, 3, 9, 12
- Deity of Jesus Christ, 3, 8
- Jesus is the Creator, 2, 10
- Jesus sustains universe, 3
- Reconciliation and substitution, 3
- Superiority of Jesus Christ to angels, 4, 13
- Jesus at the right hand of the Father, 3, 13
- Father Son relationship, 5
- Begotten, 5
- Firstborn, 6
- Angels worship the Son, 6
- Righteous ruler of creation, 8
- Footstool for Messiah Jesus, 13
- Ministering angels for believers, 14
- Believers inherit, 14
- The Father honors the Son
- Spiritual attention to biblical teaching, 1
- Spiritual drifting and regression, 1, 3
- Sin, drifting, and regression have consequences, 2-3
- Apostles’ and post apostles’ ministry, 3-4
- Temporary sign spiritual gifts, 3-4
- Dominion mandate, 5-8
- Death for all mankind (unlimited), 9
- Maturing through suffering, 10
- Sanctification, 11
- Believers are Jesus’ brethren, 11-13
- Jesus defeated death and the devil, 14
- Freed believers from fear of death, 15
- Spiritual descendents of Abraham, 16
- Jesus is true humanity, 17
- Propitiation, 17
- Faithful and merciful high priest, 17
- Jesus helps in suffering and testing, 18
- Christ, the Faithful Son.
- Think carefully about Jesus, 1
- High Priest Jesus, 1
- Jesus faithful to the Father, 2
- Moses, 2-5
- House (place and people God has you serve), 2-6
- Believe and apply what we claim, 6
- Hardened heart, 8, 13
- Remain alert to God, 12
- Unbelieving believer, 12
- Believer falling away or revolting from God, 12
- Encourage other believers, 13
- Sin deceives, 13
- Partners, companions, accomplices of Christ, 14
- Exodus generation failed, 15-19
- Divine discipline—sin unto death, 17-19
- God’s rest—national and spiritual, 18-19
- Faith in the Son produces rest
- Faith-rest, 1-3
- Warning against unbelief, 1
- No faith-no rest2
- Importance and power of God’s word, 12
- God is omniscient, 13
- Jesus ascended to the Father, 14
- High Priest Jesus, 14-16
- Hold fast to what we believe, 14
- Jesus sympathizes with us, 15
- Jesus tempted, 15
- Jesus never sinned, 15
- Hold fast to our confession—the faith
- Throne of grace, 16
- Confident prayer, 16
2. Christ the High Priest, chapters 5-10
- Jesus Christ is our high priest
- Aaronic priesthood, 1-5
- Christ is high priest, 5-6
- Jesus Son of God, 5
- Jesus begotten by God, 5
- Christ is of the Melchizekek priesthood, 6, 10
- Jesus true humanity, 7
- Jesus praying in testing, 7
- Suffering produces obedience and maturity, 7-8
- Jesus demonstrated perfect by suffering, 9
- Jesus qualified to give eternal salvation, 9
- Apathetic believers—lazy listeners, 11
- Teaching others, 12
- Spiritual regression, 12
- Spiritual immaturity, 12
- Spiritual maturity, 14
- Practice God’s word produces trained faculties, 14
- Discern good from evil, 14
- Trust Christ alone
- Christ-Messiah, 1
- Foundational Jewish doctrines, 1-2
- Spiritual growth, 1
- Spiritual maturity, 1
- Repudiating Christ and His work, 6
- Wrong thinking and right thinking, 6
- Spiritual regression, 4-6
- Good works (produce God’s good), 7
- God blesses in time for service, 7
- Worthless works (produce human good), 8
- Divine discipline, 8
- Christian service blessing in time, 9
- God rewards, 10
- Diligence in faith and service, 11
- Kingdom inheritance, 11, 12, 18
- Imitate the faith-waiting of certain OT believers, 12
- God’s promises, 12
- Abraham,13
- Faith-waiting, 13-15
- Messianic kingdom hope, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19
- Hope-anchor, 19
- Heavenly tabernacle, 19-20
- Jesus our forerunner into heaven, 20
- Jesus the Melchizekek high priest, 20
- Melchizedek priesthood of Jesus Christ
- Melchizedek, King Salem and priest, 1-3
- Abram rescued Lot, 1
- Tithing, 4-6
- Levitical priesthood, 5, 11
- Limitations of Levitical priesthood, 11-12, 18
- Abrahamic covenant, 6
- Melchizedek priesthood superior to Levitical priesthood, 9
- Aaronic priesthood, 11
- Dispensations, 12, 22
- Jesus high priest from Judah, 13-14
- Jesus, the Melchizedek kind of priest, by God’s oath, 13-21
- New Covenant, 22
- Jesus, the permanent high priest, 24
- Saved forever—eternal security, 25
- Jesus, our high priest, intercedes for us, 25
- Jesus Christ—perfect holiness and sinlessness, 26-27
- Jesus Christ exalted above everything, 26
- Jesus was judged for all sins once for all, 27
- God’s oath appointed His Son as high priest, 28
- Jesus, the eternal perfect high priest, 28
- Jesus Christ is the high priest mediator
- Heavenly tabernacle ministry of Christ, 1-2
- Aaronic high priest, 3
- Mosaic tabernacle, 5
- New covenant, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11-13
- Mosaic covenant, 7
- Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant by death
- Mosaic covenant, 1
- Worship in the Old Testament, 1
- Mosaic tabernacle, 1-2
- Aaronic high priest, 7
- Mosaic regulations, 9-10
- Christ high priest, 11
- Heavenly tabernacle, 11
- Mosaic blood sacrifices, 12-13, 19-22
- Blood of Christ, 14
- New covenant, 15
- Christ the mediator, 24
- Once for all sacrifice of Christ for sin, 26, 28
- Judgment, 27
- Second coming of Christ, 28
- Jesus Christ, the high priest, benefits believers
- Mosaic law, 1
- Jesus Christ sacrificed for mankind’s sin, 5-8
- End of the Mosaic covenant, 9
- New covenant, 9, 17, 18
- Positional sanctification, 10, 14
- Jesus’ once and for all sacrifice for sin, 12
- Footstool, 13
- Benefits of Christ’s priestly ministry, 19-21
- Let us doctrines, 22-24,
- Importance of local church assembly, 25
- Divine discipline, 26-31
- Suffering, 32
- Support others who suffer, 33-34
- Rewards,35
- Endurance, 36, 39
- faithfulness under pressure, 39
3. Therefore Live the Faith Life, chapters 11-13
- Approved by faith
- Faith, 1-2
- Creation, 3
- Worldview, 3
- Faith tested, Chapter 11
- Obedience tested, Chapter 11
- Faith products, Chapter 11
- Noble believers, 38
- Approval by God, 39
- Faith waiting, 39
- Kingdom of God, 39
- Reconciliation, 40
- Keep your eyes on Jesus
- Old Testament witnesses to the faith life, 1
- Area of weakness, 1
- Living Christian way of life, 1
- Endurance, 1
- Occupation with Christ, 2
- Christology, 2-3
- Jesus’ intercessory ministry, 2
- Divine discipline, 5-12
- Live biblically, 12-13
- Sanctification, 14
- Grace, 15,
- Mental attitude sins, 15
- Birthright, 16-17
- Heavenly Jerusalem, 22
- Heaven, 22-23
- Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, 24
- Importance of God’s word, 25-26
- Kingdom of God, 28
- Christian service and worship, 28
- God is the judge, 25, 26, 27, 29
- Selected instructions
- Love for believers, 1
- Hospitality, 2
- Encouragement and support of suffering believers, 3
- Marriage and sex, 4
- Money priorities, 5
- Contentment, 5
- Promises, 5-6
- God is our ever present helper, 5-6
- Spiritual leadership, 7, 17
- Spiritual authority, 17
- Biblical conduct, 7
- Jesus Christ is immutable, 8
- Beware of false teaching, 9
- Strengthened by grace, 9
- Death of Jesus for us, 12
- Positional sanctification, 12
- Blood of Jesus Christ, 12, 20
- Occupation with Jesus Christ, 13
- Heaven, 14
- Worship, 15
- Sacrificial giving, 16
- Prayer, 18
- Honorable living, 18
- Great Shepherd, 20
- Equipping for Christian service, 21
- Listen closely to Bible teaching, 22
- Timothy, 23
- Grace, 25