Hebrews Doctrines Outline

2009 Hebrews Study—Doctrines from Hebrews

Listing doctrines is possible because we have already done the exegesis-exposition.

The next step is to correctly apply these doctrines

Tod Kennedy, June-July, 2009

1. Christ the Son, chapters 1-4

  1. The Father speaks through the Son
    1. Revelation in Old Testament, 1
    2. Revelation through Jesus, 2,
    3. Nature and character of Jesus Christ, 3, 9, 12
    4. Deity of Jesus Christ, 3, 8
    5. Jesus is the Creator, 2, 10
    6. Jesus sustains universe, 3
    7. Reconciliation and substitution, 3
    8. Superiority of Jesus Christ to angels, 4, 13
    9. Jesus at the right hand of the Father, 3, 13
    10. Father Son relationship, 5
    11. Begotten, 5
    12. Firstborn, 6
    13. Angels worship the Son, 6
    14. Righteous ruler of creation, 8
    15. Footstool for Messiah Jesus, 13
    16. Ministering angels for believers, 14
    17. Believers inherit, 14
  2. The Father honors the Son
    1. Spiritual attention to biblical teaching, 1
    2. Spiritual drifting and regression, 1, 3
    3. Sin, drifting, and regression have consequences, 2-3
    4. Apostles’ and post apostles’ ministry, 3-4
    5. Temporary sign spiritual gifts, 3-4
    6. Dominion mandate, 5-8
    7. Death for all mankind (unlimited), 9
    8. Maturing through suffering, 10
    9. Sanctification, 11
    10. Believers are Jesus’ brethren, 11-13
    11. Jesus defeated death and the devil, 14
    12. Freed believers from fear of death, 15
    13. Spiritual descendents of Abraham, 16
    14. Jesus is true humanity, 17
    15. Propitiation, 17
    16. Faithful and merciful high priest, 17
    17. Jesus helps in suffering and testing, 18
  3. Christ, the Faithful Son.
    1. Think carefully about Jesus, 1
    2. High Priest Jesus, 1
    3. Jesus faithful to the Father, 2
    4. Moses, 2-5
    5. House (place and people God has you serve), 2-6
    6. Believe and apply what we claim, 6
    7. Hardened heart, 8, 13
    8. Remain alert to God, 12
    9. Unbelieving believer, 12
    10. Believer falling away or revolting from God, 12
    11. Encourage other believers, 13
    12. Sin deceives, 13
    13. Partners, companions, accomplices of Christ, 14
    14. Exodus generation failed, 15-19
    15. Divine discipline—sin unto death, 17-19
    16. God’s rest—national and spiritual, 18-19
  4. Faith in the Son produces rest
    1. Faith-rest, 1-3
    2. Warning against unbelief, 1
    3. No faith-no rest2
    4. Importance and power of God’s word, 12
    5. God is omniscient, 13
    6. Jesus ascended to the Father, 14
    7. High Priest Jesus, 14-16
    8. Hold fast to what we believe, 14
    9. Jesus sympathizes with us, 15
    10. Jesus tempted, 15
    11. Jesus never sinned, 15
    12. Hold fast to our confession—the faith
    13. Throne of grace, 16
    14. Confident prayer, 16

2. Christ the High Priest, chapters 5-10

  1. Jesus Christ is our high priest
    1. Aaronic priesthood, 1-5
    2. Christ is high priest, 5-6
    3. Jesus Son of God, 5
    4. Jesus begotten by God, 5
    5. Christ is of the Melchizekek priesthood, 6, 10
    6. Jesus true humanity, 7
    7. Jesus praying in testing, 7
    8. Suffering produces obedience and maturity, 7-8
    9. Jesus demonstrated perfect by suffering, 9
    10. Jesus qualified to give eternal salvation, 9
    11. Apathetic believers—lazy listeners, 11
    12. Teaching others, 12
    13. Spiritual regression, 12
    14. Spiritual immaturity, 12
    15. Spiritual maturity, 14
    16. Practice God’s word produces trained faculties, 14
    17. Discern good from evil, 14
  2. Trust Christ alone
    1. Christ-Messiah, 1
    2. Foundational Jewish doctrines, 1-2
    3. Spiritual growth, 1
    4. Spiritual maturity, 1
    5. Repudiating Christ and His work, 6
    6. Wrong thinking and right thinking, 6
    7. Spiritual regression, 4-6
    8. Good works (produce God’s good), 7
    9. God blesses in time for service, 7
    10. Worthless works (produce human good), 8
    11. Divine discipline, 8
    12. Christian service blessing in time, 9
    13. God rewards, 10
    14. Diligence in faith and service, 11
    15. Kingdom inheritance, 11, 12, 18
    16. Imitate the faith-waiting of certain OT believers, 12
    17. God’s promises, 12
    18. Abraham,13
    19. Faith-waiting, 13-15
    20. Messianic kingdom hope, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19
    21. Hope-anchor, 19
    22. Heavenly tabernacle, 19-20
    23. Jesus our forerunner into heaven, 20
    24. Jesus the Melchizekek high priest, 20
  3. Melchizedek priesthood of Jesus Christ
    1. Melchizedek, King Salem and priest, 1-3
    2. Abram rescued Lot, 1
    3. Tithing, 4-6
    4. Levitical priesthood, 5, 11
    5. Limitations of Levitical priesthood, 11-12, 18
    6. Abrahamic covenant, 6
    7. Melchizedek priesthood superior to Levitical priesthood, 9
    8. Aaronic priesthood, 11
    9. Dispensations, 12, 22
    10. Jesus high priest from Judah, 13-14
    11. Jesus, the Melchizedek kind of priest, by God’s oath, 13-21
    12. New Covenant, 22
    13. Jesus, the permanent high priest, 24
    14. Saved forever—eternal security, 25
    15. Jesus, our high priest, intercedes for us, 25
    16. Jesus Christ—perfect holiness and sinlessness, 26-27
    17. Jesus Christ exalted above everything, 26
    18. Jesus was judged for all sins once for all, 27
    19. God’s oath appointed His Son as high priest, 28
    20. Jesus, the eternal perfect high priest, 28
  4. Jesus Christ is the high priest mediator
    1. Heavenly tabernacle ministry of Christ, 1-2
    2. Aaronic high priest, 3
    3. Mosaic tabernacle, 5
    4. New covenant, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11-13
    5. Mosaic covenant, 7
  5. Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant by death
    1. Mosaic covenant, 1
    2. Worship in the Old Testament, 1
    3. Mosaic tabernacle, 1-2
    4. Aaronic high priest, 7
    5. Mosaic regulations, 9-10
    6. Christ high priest, 11
    7. Heavenly tabernacle, 11
    8. Mosaic blood sacrifices, 12-13, 19-22
    9. Blood of Christ, 14
    10. New covenant, 15
    11. Christ the mediator, 24
    12. Once for all sacrifice of Christ for sin, 26, 28
    13. Judgment, 27
    14. Second coming of Christ, 28
  6. Jesus Christ, the high priest, benefits believers
    1. Mosaic law, 1
    2. Jesus Christ sacrificed for mankind’s sin, 5-8
    3. End of the Mosaic covenant, 9
    4. New covenant, 9, 17, 18
    5. Positional sanctification, 10, 14
    6. Jesus’ once and for all sacrifice for sin, 12
    7. Footstool, 13
    8. Benefits of Christ’s priestly ministry, 19-21
    9. Let us doctrines, 22-24,
    10. Importance of local church assembly, 25
    11. Divine discipline, 26-31
    12. Suffering, 32
    13. Support others who suffer, 33-34
    14. Rewards,35
    15. Endurance, 36, 39
    16. faithfulness under pressure, 39

3. Therefore Live the Faith Life, chapters 11-13

  1. Approved by faith
    1. Faith, 1-2
    2. Creation, 3
    3. Worldview, 3
    4. Faith tested, Chapter 11
    5. Obedience tested, Chapter 11
    6. Faith products, Chapter 11
    7. Noble believers, 38
    8. Approval by God, 39
    9. Faith waiting, 39
    10. Kingdom of God, 39
    11. Reconciliation, 40
  2. Keep your eyes on Jesus
    1. Old Testament witnesses to the faith life, 1
    2. Area of weakness, 1
    3. Living Christian way of life, 1
    4. Endurance, 1
    5. Occupation with Christ, 2
    6. Christology, 2-3
    7. Jesus’ intercessory ministry, 2
    8. Divine discipline, 5-12
    9. Live biblically, 12-13
    10. Sanctification, 14
    11. Grace, 15,
    12. Mental attitude sins, 15
    13. Birthright, 16-17
    14. Heavenly Jerusalem, 22
    15. Heaven, 22-23
    16. Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, 24
    17. Importance of God’s word, 25-26
    18. Kingdom of God, 28
    19. Christian service and worship, 28
    20. God is the judge, 25, 26, 27, 29
  3. Selected instructions
    1. Love for believers, 1
    2. Hospitality, 2
    3. Encouragement and support of suffering believers, 3
    4. Marriage and sex, 4
    5. Money priorities, 5
    6. Contentment, 5
    7. Promises, 5-6
    8. God is our ever present helper, 5-6
    9. Spiritual leadership, 7, 17
    10. Spiritual authority, 17
    11. Biblical conduct, 7
    12. Jesus Christ is immutable, 8
    13. Beware of false teaching, 9
    14. Strengthened by grace, 9
    15. Death of Jesus for us, 12
    16. Positional sanctification, 12
    17. Blood of Jesus Christ, 12, 20
    18. Occupation with Jesus Christ, 13
    19. Heaven, 14
    20. Worship, 15
    21. Sacrificial giving, 16
    22. Prayer, 18
    23. Honorable living, 18
    24. Great Shepherd, 20
    25. Equipping for Christian service, 21
    26. Listen closely to Bible teaching, 22
    27. Timothy, 23
    28. Grace, 25