
A believer may not know why everything is going wrong, but God is in control and has a reason. At this point the believer needs to trust God and God’s plan. God is just, gracious, and compassionate. He will work all things together for good for the believer. I. Outline Job’s status, Satan’s accusation, God’s…

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1 Corinthians Overview

1 Corinthians Overview ©Dr Tod Kennedy, 2011; A study of the Apostle Paul’s letterto the Corinthians to correctthe basis for their carnalityand various expressions of it. Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers because they were not responding well to his ministry. In this book he teaches them about the foundations of the church…

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Background – Romans

Brief background to Paul’s letter to the Romans The author was the apostle Paul (Romans 1:1). The date of writing was about the winter A.D. 56-57 during his third missionary trip. Paul wrote to believers in Rome (Romans 1:7), probably from Corinth on his third missionary trip during which he delivered the offering to Jerusalem…

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