Study and Teach Guidelines

Summary of Study and Teach
Tod Kennedy, handed out to teen class 3.21.21
Condensed exegetical Process emphasizes gaining and preparing the content of study for understanding and teaching.
1. Observe the Text—what it says?
2. Why did the author write this?
3. Interpret the text—what it means?
4. Apply the text and answer so what? What to do?

Study a Word Using Strong’s Concordance
1. Select the word you want to study in the Bible.
2. Look in Strong’s for the word in your reference.
3. This will give you the number for the Greek or Hebrew word.
4. Write down Strong’s page number and dictionary number.
5. Look up the dictionary number in the back.
6. Write down the definition.
7. Go back to the concordance (you wrote the page number) and find the word (you have the number).
8. Read through the verses that match the number and write down the best meaning for the word in the context under study.
9. Write out in a sentence or two the best meaning and point of the word in the passage under study.

Reminders when one studies a Bible book
1. Read and reread and develop the initial theme for the book and each chapter. This is starting with the big picture or overview. Get the basic plan first like one building a house or one writing a book. Start putting titles for each chapter.
2. Then develop the preliminary theme for the entire book from this study and eventually develop the preliminary argument of the author.
3. Then work through paragraph, verse, words and structure to develop, support, and correct and improve the theme and argument of each chapter and book. The degree of detail depends upon the purpose for the study, the level of spiritual maturity of the audience, the time allotted for the study, and general common sense.
4. Then one can develop pertinent doctrines, concepts, and applications that the author is teaching or referring to.
5. This seems to be better, more enjoyable, more accurate, and better for application than beginning by plodding through each verse from start to finish without really knowing what the author is writing about.
6. Throughout, but especially when you have answered the interpretive questions, keep asking the question, so what? Why did the author write this? Does it just have specific application to the original audience or also to me?

Oral Delivery
1. Stay on subject matter
2. Stay on points you are making
3. Lead the audience through the text.
4. Stay on time.
5. Watch audience.
6. Be flexible.
7. Be expressive.
8. Speak clearly.
9. Encourage audience.
7. Be natural.