Hermeneutics 1. Starting Reminders

Tod Kennedy, May 2013

  1. Hermeneutics—a set of principles.
  2. Exegesis—an implementation of the valid interpretative principles.
  3. Meaning—the truth intention of the author.
  4. Interpretation—an understanding of the truth intention of the author.

*Robert Thomas in Chafer Theological Seminary Journal, Fall 2008, Vol 13 Number 2 “Biblical Hermeneutics: Foundational Considerations”

Teaching Guide—Says, Means, Do?

Explain in these four steps. This is a very cut down version of the exegetical process. See those notes. You add that process in your study as you need, and in your teaching when you want to give support for your interpretation. Present the doctrine(s) if appropriate.

  1. Why does the author write this?
  2. What does the Bible text say?
  3. What does the Bible text mean?
  4. What should I do with what the Bible text means?

Teaching Guide—Special Audience

When teaching through a passage to a special audience—very young, very old, or untaught—we must be sure to do this. Sometimes that is all they can handle at that time.

  1. Explain, in brief, the basic meaning of a chapter, section, or verse within the context,
  2. Review the main points,
  3. Summarize the author’s argument.