Bible Book Studies
Romans 06 Baptism
Baptism in Romans 6 The verb is βαπτιζω (baptizo). The nouns are βαπτισμα (baptisma)and βαπτισμος (baptismos). The literal meaning is to dip, plunge, use water as a rite, baptize. The figurative meaning is to overwhelm, to indicate an extraordinary experience, to associate or identify someone with someone or something. Baptism in Romans 6 is a…
Read MoreRomans 07 Overview
Romans 7 The sinful nature inside Preliminary handout Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines, Applications Tod Kennedy, January 2015 Argument Since believers can live in newness of life, serve God and righteousness, and experience sanctification, why does one fail so often. Believers died to the law, which means that the law is not their master nor is…
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Romans 7 Commentary, The sinful nature inside Tod Kennedy Argument Since believers now can live in newness of life, serve God and righteousness, and experience sanctification, why does one fail so often. The answer is that the Adam sinful nature is still present and it can only bring failure. To demonstrate this Paul first addresses…
Read MoreRomans 08 Overview
Romans 8 The Holy Spirit Inside Theme, Argument, Outline, Applications May, 2015, Tod Kennedy Theme The Holy Spirit makes living the Christian life possible in spite of the flesh and the curse on creation; and the Father secures us in his love from start to finish because Jesus died, was raised, ascended, and intercedes for…
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Romans Chapter 8, The Holy Spirit Inside Tod Kennedy Theme The Holy Spirit makes living the Christian life possible in spite of the flesh and the curse on creation; and the Father secures us in his love from start to finish because Jesus died, was raised, ascended, and intercedes for us; and no one or…
Read MoreRomans 09 Overview
Romans 9 Summary Outline Section 4: God and Israel—what about Israel? Romans 9-11 Romans 9 theme statement: God is just in choosing Israel to be his redeemer nation Romans 9:1-5. At this point in Paul’s letter he voices his great sorrow about Israel. She has such a great heritage (adoption, glory, covenants, Law, religious service,…
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Section 4: God and Israel—what about Israel? Romans 9-11 Chapter 9, God’s promise and Israel Romans 9 is about national election of Israel, not individual election to everlasting life Summary Outline Romans 9 Romans 9:1-5. At this point in Paul’s letter he voices his great sorrow about Israel. She has such a great heritage from…
Read MoreRomans 10 Overview
Romans 10, Israel Needs Faith Righteousness Summary In Romans 9 Paul is sorry that Israel, who has had the advantage of choice, revelation, and privilege through God’s promises, has not accepted their Messiah Jesus. Why did they not accept Jesus Christ? Because they were intent on working for their own righteousness instead of believing God…
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Chapter 10 Israel Needs Faith Righteousness Summary In Romans 9 Paul is sorry that Israel, who has had the advantage of choice, revelation, and privilege through God’s promises, has not accepted their Messiah Jesus. Why did they not accept Jesus Christ? Because they were intent on working for their own righteousness instead of believing God…
Read MoreRomans 11 Overview
Romans 11 God will regather Israel’s grace remnant for blessing Israel’s temporary rejection, foreknown by God, will end with regathering and salvation Summary Paul concludes his comments about his beloved Israel. Though Israel is now under God’s discipline he has not rejected her. Even now God has a remnant of believers, while he hardens those…
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