Bible Book Studies
Romans 03 Overview
Romans 3, Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines All people are sinful, justified freely through faith Summary Romans 3. All people are sinful, justified freely through faith. Do the Jews have any advantage? Yes, they were entrusted with the Scriptures. Their failure to believe God does not nullify God’s promises to them nor does it lessen God’s…
Read MoreRomans 03 Commentary
Romans 3 Commentary All people are sinful, justified freely by faith Argument Romans 3. All people are sinful, justified freely through faith. Do the Jews have any advantage? Yes, they were entrusted with the Scriptures. Their failure to believe God does not nullify God’s promises to them nor does it lessen God’s righteousness when he…
Read MoreRomans 04 Overview
Romans 4, Argument and Outline Tod Kennedy, August 2014 Romans section 2: God credits his righteousness by grace through faith—God’s solution, Romans 4-5 Romans 4. Righteousness is credited through faith Abraham believed God before his circumcision and before the law was given, and his faith was credited to him for righteousness. David also speaks of…
Read MoreRomans 04 Commentary
Romans 2014 Chapter 4 Commentary Tod Kennedy, taught July and August 2014 Section 2. God Credits His Righteousness Through Faith Chapter 4, Righteousness is credited through faith apart from circumcision and the law Romans 4:1-8. Abraham and David illustrate the truth that God gives His righteousness to people through faith (to people who believe him)…
Read MoreRomans 04 Select Words
Select words from Romans 4 Abraham αβρααμ (Romans 4.1,2,3,9,12,13,16) S#11 Circumcision περιτομη (Romans 4.9,10,11,12) S#4061 David δαυιδ (Romans 4.6) S#1138 Faith πιστις S#4102 or believe πιστευω S#4100 (Romans 4:3,5,9,11,12,13, 14,16,17,18,19,20,24) Grace χαρας (Romans 4.4,16) S#5485 Heir κληρονομος S#2818 (Romans 4.13,14 Imputation-credit λογιζομαι (Romans 4:3,4,5,6, 8,9,10,11,22,23,24) S#3049 Jesus our Lord ‘ιησουν τον κυριον `ημων (Romans 4.24)…
Read MoreRomans 05 Overview
Romans Chapter 5 Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines Tod Kennedy August 2014 Argument Romans 5. Justification gives many benefits. Paul now writes that because we have been justified and reconciled by faith we have many blessings—peace, expectation of glory, tribulations, perseverance, proven character, hope, God’s love, the Holy Spirit, shall be saved from God’s future wrath,…
Read MoreRomans 05 Commentary
Romans Chapter 5, Commentary Tod Kennedy, August-October 2014 Romans 5. Justification gives many benefits. Paul now writes that because we have been justified and reconciled by faith we have many blessings—peace, expectation of glory, tribulations, perseverance, proven character, hope, God’s love, the Holy Spirit, saved from God’s wrath, and delivered by his present life in…
Read MoreRomans 05 Application
Romans 5, Justification gives many benefits Summary of Principles from Romans 5 Tod Kennedy November 16, 2014 Justification by faith has been demonstrated in Romans 3-4. It is now the basis for Paul’s further teaching (Romans 5.1). There are two positional results of this justification by faith. 1. Peace with God right now which is…
Read MoreRomans 06 Overview
Romans 6, Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines, Some Applications Tod Kennedy, December 28, 2014 Romans 6-8, The Christian way of life, sanctification, is possible—now what? Romans 6, Union with Christ makes the Christian way of life possible Theme of Romans 6-8 Since we have died with Christ to sin and to the law we are able…
Read MoreRomans 06 Commentary
Romans Section 3 Romans 6-8, The Christian way of life, sanctification, is possible—now what? Romans 6, Theme, Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines, Some Applications Tod Kennedy, December 28, 2014 Romans 6 Chapter Title, Union with Christ makes the Christian way of life possible Theme of Romans 6-8 Since we have died with Christ to sin and…
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