12 Questions Christians Need to Know Answers

©Tod Kennedy, todkennedy.com 3.27.20; Rev 5.2023 In times like these people are scared, uncertain, and sometimes hopeless–unbelievers and often believers. We especially need to remember our foundations. An unbeliever may focus on questions 1-6, which then can lead to question 7. All believers, no matter how knowledgeable, fall back on the answers to each of these…

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Kenosis, Hypostatic Union, Impeccability Summary

Introduction: Doctrines related to Christ’s incarnation. When “the word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14), God the Son became man. What happened to his deity? Jesus continued to true and undiminished deity. What did change was that He took upon Himself true humanity. The transformation was outwardly visible. The biblical doctrines of kenosis,…

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Christology Basic Summary Handout 2017

Tod Kennedy, 2017 Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and true man in one person. This means that He is undiminished deity and true humanity on one person forever. As God he has existed forever, fellowshipped with God the Father and the Holy Spirit forever, and he created all things. The man Jesus…

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