Questions for Evangelism and Christian life
Questions that people have about God or spiritual matters
- Does God exist?
- What is God like?
- Why is God doing this to me?
- Why suffering?
- What do we expect from God?
- Does God know and care about me?
- Is the Bible reliable and how can I know that it is reliable?
- Can I know God in a person to person way?
- How can I have a relationship with God?
- Is Jesus the only way to God and heaven?
- What are the first foundational Bible truths that I as a Christian should learn so I can be the person God wants me to be?
- Others?
Challenges to Christians today
- Does God exist and what is he like?
- Creation vs evolution—origins.
- Authority and inerrancy of the Bible.
- Person (humanity, deity) and work (message, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension, present ministry) of Jesus Christ.
- What is the gospel and the biblical response to it.
- The local church—importance, place of the Bible, leadership, syncretism, music.
- The Christian way of life—what, why, how?
- Missionary interest, participation, support.
- Christians fighting each other.
Basic non biblical worldviews
- Naturalism, which is materialism or secular humanism: Atheism, Darwinism, and Socialism-Communism are the main expressions.
- Postmodernism, which includes 1) there is no meaning to anything, 2) everything is relative,
- Everything is fragmented and unrelated to anything else.
- Do it yourself spirituality in which people invent their own religious systems like a spiritual stew including non-Biblical religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and others.
- Corruption of biblical worldview: liberalism (religious, social, political), emergent church, cults, and others.
Four worldview questions. Dr Ravi Zacharias
- Origin. Where do we come from?
- Meaning. What gives life meaning?
- Morality. How do I differentiate between good and evil?
- Destiny. What happens to a person when he dies?
The big questions. Dr Stephen Meyer. TrueU. Does God exist? 01.1
- Big worldviews.
- Naturalism-Materialism: Matter is the prime reality
- Theism: A personal God is the prime reality.
- Deism: A personal but remote God is the prime reality.
- Pantheism: An impersonal god is the prime reality.
- Diagram
- Circle is physical reality.
- Pendulum is the laws of nature.
- People, animals, mountains, trees
- Solar system