1 Timothy 5: Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines, So What Applications?
1 Timothy 5, Argument, Outline, Select Doctrines, So What Applications?
Chapter Titles for 1 Timothy
- Paul’s philosophy of ministry
- Pray for others; godly women
- Overseers, deacons, and conduct in the church
- Departure from the faith; train for godliness
- Respectfully challenge; widows; elders
- Slaves and masters, godliness, money
Chapter 5, Respectfully challenge; widows; elders
Paul now instructs Timothy about how to treat people in the church. First, correct older men, younger men, older women, and younger women according to their age and honor due them (1 Timothy 5:1-2). Then, what about widows? Children and grandchildren have the first responsibility to the widows. Godly widows 60 years and older who are alone may be supported by the church. Younger widows should marry or be supported by a related woman believer (1 Timothy 5:3-16). The church elders who do a good job of leading the church deserve to be paid well, especially those who work hard at teaching the Scripture (1 Timothy 5:17-18). And, be careful about any accusations made against elders, and do not appoint men to the ministry who are not ready (1 Timothy 5:19-25).
- 1 Timothy 5:1-2. Instructions about how to correct older men, younger men, older women, and younger women according to their age and honor due them.
- 1 Timothy 5.3-16. Instructions about widows—who has first responsibility, church support of widows, and young widows.
- 1 Timothy 5.17-25. Instructions about church elders—paying them, accusations against them, warning about appointing men to the ministry who are not ready, and their sins and good deeds will become apparent.
Select Biblical Doctrines
Leadership, Correction, encouragement, and respect for the congregation, Support of widows, Widows, Elder-Pastor-Teacher, Payment for ministry, Accusations against elders, Ordination, Sins and good deeds.
So What? Applications
- Correction—when it is necessary to correct church people, do so respectfully and honorably, and consider their age, responsibility, and gender.
- Widows—determine if they have a family, are alone and need care, their Christian life, whether godly or pleasure seeking, age, Christian service, suitable for remarriage, and if any may have a related woman to help them.
- Elders—they deserve double honor for work at preaching and teaching. If accusations are raised against an elder handle them carefully and with proper evidence. Be cautious about ordaining a person to the ministry.
- One’s outer Christian life reflects one’s inner life—sins, good works, and bad works.