Romans Sections and Chapter Titles
Tod Kennedy
“God’s righteousness is revealed in justification and sanctification by grace through faith to Jew and Gentile”
Romans Sections and Chapter Titles
Section 1: God’s righteousness and man’s unrighteousness—mankind’s problem, Romans 1-3
Chapter 1. Foundations for ministry, God’s righteousness and the gospel, faith in and rejection of God’s revelation
Chapter 2. Self righteous judging, God judges all people, religious hypocrisy
Chapter 3. All people are sinful, justified freely by faith
Section 2: God credits his righteousness by grace through faith—God’s solution, Romans 4-5
Chapter 4. Righteousness is credited by grace through faith
Chapter 5. Justification benefits, grace abounds
Section 3: The Christian way of life, sanctification, is possible—now what? Romans 6-8
Chapter 6. Union with Christ makes them Christian way of life possible.
Chapter 7. The sinful nature inside
Chapter 8. The Holy Spirit inside
Section 4: God and Israel—what about Israel? Romans 9-11
Chapter 9. God’s promise and Israel
Chapter 10. Israel needs faith righteousness
Chapter 11. Israel’s temporary rejection will end with Israel’s salvation
Section 5: Day to day Christian life—things to do, Romans 12-16
Chapter 12. A new kind of priesthood, ministry, relationships
Chapter 13. Authority orientation, and put on the Lord Jesus Christ
Chapter 14. Give freedom instead of judgments and obstacles
Chapter 15. Think like Christ toward one another, and Christ works through Paul
Chapter 16. Personal notes and greetings