Revelation Chapter Titles

By Tod Kennedy

  1. Section 1, Jesus Christ, God and King
    • Chapter 1, Jesus Christ revealed
  2. Section 2, Letters to the seven churches, 2-3
    • Chapter 2, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira
    • Chapter 3, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea
  3. Section 3, The Tribulation, 4-19
    • Chapter 4, Father on the throne is worshipped
    • Chapter 5, Lamb takes the scroll
    • Chapter 6, Seals 1-6
    • Chapter 7, 144,000 sealed
    • Chapter 8, Seal 7, Trumpets 1-4
    • Chapter 9, Trumpets 5-6
    • Chapter 10, Strong angel, thunder, and book
    • Chapter 11, Two witnesses, Trumpets 1-7
    • Chapter 12, Woman, Child, and Dragon
    • Chapter 13, Dragon, 2 Beasts
    • Chapter 14, Lamb on Zion, 6 angels
    • Chapter 15, Seven angels, Bowls
    • Chapter 16, Seven bowl judgments
    • Chapter 17, Harlot, first beast
    • Chapter 18, Judgment of Babylon
    • Chapter 19, Living Word on the white horse
  4. Section 4, Millennium and Eternity, 20-22
    • Chapter 20, Millennial reign
    • Chapter 21, New Heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem
    • Chapter 22, Eternal life