Psalms – What does each Psalm tell me to do?
Tod Kennedy, April 26, 2017
Day to Day Applications
Psalm 1
- Do not become influenced by the wrong people.
- I should enjoy God’s word and think about what it says.
Psalm 2
- I can be confident that God controls history. God’s King will eventually rule all nations and in God’s end of history he will judge the pagan leaders.
- I should reverence God’s Son and take refuge by faith in him.
Psalm 8
- I ought to give the LORD my honest praise because he is the majestic and powerful creator and as such he deserves universal praise, especially by me as a believer.
- I, as a human, marvel that God has created me and all people, and given us rule over the earth.
Psalm 13
- I need to always remember that The LORD does not forget about me.
- I can pray and confidently believe that the LORD is my source for lovingkindness, deliverance, blessing, and the only answer to discouragement.
Psalm 14
- I should never let the fool, who is a practical atheist, intimidate me. The LORD will judge them.
- I want to live righteously because God is with the righteous person, and the LORD is my refuge.
Psalm 15
- Do I want to have fellowship with God and serve him? If so my thoughts, words, and actions need to be right.
- I need to guard against becoming slowly entangled with the ungodly culture and worldview.
Psalm 16
- I want to continually focus my life on the LORD (love for the LORD and occupation with him) because he is my only refuge, good, portion, counsel, and security.
- Do I really take refuge in the LORD by trusting him in all situations?
Psalm 19
- How do I think about God when I view the heavens and read the Old Testament?
- Psalm 19.14 should be my daily prayer because I recognize God’s majesty in creation and through his written revelation?
Psalm 20
- I ought to turn to the LORD in believing prayer whenever I encounter spiritual and physical battles.
- When situations get really bad, I need to remember in faith the name of the LORD my God instead of thinking that people or arms will deliver me, my family and friends, and my nation.
Psalm 22
- No matter how much people want to destroy me and how bleak my survival is I pray and trust the LORD, since ultimately he is my only help.
- When the LORD delivers me, I must be sure to thank him and tells others of his great deliverance.
Psalm 23
- Since the LORD is my shepherd, how does that affect my thinking, especially is dark and deadly times?
- Do I want to be like David and fellowship with the LORD throughout every day?
Psalm 24
- I should have great confidence in the LORD because he owns all creation and I can have fellowship with him.
- Do I want to have fellowship with the LORD in “his holy place” and am I qualified?
Psalm 26
- I want Yahweh to examine me and my life and I want him to pass me as one who lives right and trusts him without wavering.
- I want to enjoy fellowship with the LORD and be aware of his glory, and tell about his works.
Psalm 27
- I really do want to experience at all times the LORD as my light (happiness), salvation (deliverance in troubled times), and refuge (the one I turn to and trust). I therefore want to know him better and trust him more.
- My desire is to know how the LORD wants me to live and to follow that path, and as I do I want to wait for his guidance and have courage from him no matter what.
Psalm 28
- I want the LORD to be my rock, my strength, and my shield. So, I will trust him.
- When I experience his answer to prayer, I will bless (recognize his good to me) and praise him.
Psalm 85
- I will recall God’s answers to prayer, his forgiveness, and his times of spiritual revival in my life.
- I will pray for God to revive me, my family, my church, and believers in my country and the world, and show his lovingkindness and deliverance.
Psalm 90
- I should remind myself often the character and works of God; he is above time yet enters into the world’s time to judge and to bless.
- Mankind’s days are short so I pray that God will teach me to number my days and wisely use them for him, and we will then be glad and rejoice all our life.
Psalm 95
- I want to be glad that I am one of God’s sheep and joyfully express this to him each day.
- I will make choices to by faith respond to God, and to reject the unbelief and rebellion of the Exodus generation.
Psalm 98
- My continual response to the LORD should be joyful singing and praise because he has done wonderful things—victory, revealed his deliverance, revealed his righteousness, remembered his lovingkindness and faithfulness to Israel, let all people see his salvation.
- No matter how discouraged I get with the world’s rejection of God, I remember that he is great and is coming to judge the world righteously, so I can always praise him.
Psalm 117
- I will praise the LORD.
- I praise the LORD because of his great lovingkindness to me, and because of his truth and faithfulness which goes on forever.
Psalm 119
- The Bible is God’s word to me, so I pray that I will never let it sit unopened, but always read and meditate on it.
- I want the word of God to instructs, challenge, correct, and encourage me.
Psalm 136
- I want to habitually thank the LORD God, Yahweh Elohim, for who he is—he is good and lovingkindness.
- I want to habitually thank the LORD God, Yahweh Elohim, for all that he has done in the past and what he is doing now.
Psalm 146
- I will genuinely praise the LORD throughout my life. He is eternal and people are temporal.
- I want to trust the LORD God with everything in my life. He is creator and so he is able, and he is always faithful to himself and his word. Those who trust him are blessed, receive help, and have hope. If I distrust him, I am being foolish.