Psalm General Lessons
Psalms, General lessons for us from
- The Psalms provide instruction, challenge, correction, and encouragement to believers as they in OT times and we in the church live in a world that rejects and actively opposes the biblical faith.
- God is the creator, sustainer, and redeemer. He alone is unique. We ought to listen to God, believe him, praise him, worship him, and serve him. Psalm 115
- God is trustworthy and faithful to his word and to his people. We ought to trust him and obey him. Psalm 91
- God’s word is the truth. It is the ultimate source of knowledge about God, man, sin, salvation, righteousness, blessing, the future—about whatever is important. We ought to study it, meditate in it, and delight in it. Psalm 119
- The Psalms demonstrate that God provides spiritual protection, provision, and well being for his people, even in the face of opposition, and especially for those who trust him and follow him. Psalm 23
- Mankind sins. Sin has consequences—directly from God or simply from bad choices—and God forgives. God disciplines his people to correct and to bless them, and to honor himself. God also freely forgives sin. The Psalms give case histories of sin, consequences of sin, confession of sin, and forgiveness. We ought to listen to the Psalms and experience the forgiveness, blessing, comfort, refreshment. Psalm 51, Psalm 32
- God has created, chosen, blessed, and covenanted with Israel that they are his people and they have a wonderful future through the Messiah. God will bless and rule the world through Israel. We ought to bless Israel and pray for her restoration. Psalm 78
- The world is at war with God and with God’s people, Israel and the Church. Satan leads his forces against God, Israel, Jesus Christ, and the Church. The angelic conflict plays out through God’s will verses man’s will, sin verses righteousness, grace verses works, Israel verses anti-Semitism, God’s Word and the biblical worldview verses human viewpoint or the non-biblical worldview. The Psalms clearly depict this constant warfare with the pitfalls, defeats, sources of strength and encouragement, and the short term and long terms victories. We ought to be informed, prepared, and fight with God’s power and God’s weapons. Psalm 2
- The psalmist desires and seeks Fellowship with God. We find this scattered throughout the Psalms. It is especially noted when sin has interrupted fellowship with God, when adversity has struck and the psalmist longs for God’s fellowship or presence, and when the psalmist is especially aware of God’s greatness. We also ought to desire close fellowship with God every day of our lives—to live as friends of God. Psalm 42.
- The Psalms give a pattern for prayer for spiritual revival of God’s people in every age. Psalm 85.
- The Psalms emphasize genuine worship which combines doctrine, conscious thought, and emotion. Psalm 95
Read JJ Stewart Perowne, Psalms, 1878, p 38-40 and Psalms 1-72, Derek Kidner 1973, p18