Mark Chapter Titles

By Tod Kennedy

  1. Section 1, Jesus’ Public Ministry, 1-13
    • Chapter 1, Jesus’ baptism, temptation, and early ministry
    • Chapter 2, Jesus heals and forgives the paralyzed man; Levi
    • Chapter 3, Jesus’ authority over illness and demons; Calls His disciples
    • Chapter 4, Sower and mustard seed; Jesus’ power over the storm
    • chapter 5, Jesus’ authority over swine, demons, illness, and death
    • Chapter 6, Jesus sends His disciples in pairs; Herod flashback; Feeds 5000
    • Chapter 7, Pharisees’ traditions over scripture; the Syrophoenician woman; the deaf mute
    • Chapter 8, Jesus feeds the 4000; Peter said “You are the Christ”
    • Chapter 9, The transfiguration; Jesus predicts His death and resurrection
    • Chapter 10, Divorce; children; “with men salvation is impossible”
    • Chapter 11, Jesus enters Jerusalem and curses the fig tree
    • Chapter 12, Vineyard; taxes; resurrection; the main commandment; Son of David; pride; giving
    • Chapter 13, Events around Jesus’ return to earth
  2. Section 2, Jesus’ Private Ministry, Arrest, Death, and Resurrection, 14-16
    • Chapter 14, Last Passover meal; arrest; illegal trials; Peter’s failure
    • Chapter 15, Pilate interrogates Jesus; the Jews crucify Him
    • Chapter 16, Jesus rose from the dead