Theme: Beginnings; Key Verses: Genesis 1:1; Genesis 3:15; Genesis 12:3
History—Angelic Conflict
- Satan, in the great the Angelic Rebellion and Conflict, attempted to take God’s authority and position.
- God judged Satan and those angels who joined him put his redemption plan into action. He restored the earth and created mankind.
- When man sinned, he worked his redemption plan through the seed of Eve to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- He will demonstrate his perfect character mankind.
- Hebrew Title is tyvarb bere’sit, in the beginning.
- English title, Genesis, is from the LXX of Genesis 2.4, geneseo~, geneseos, which means accounts, generations, histories.
- The Hebrew word behind this is twdlwt toledot.
- Undated past to 1805 BC.
- Abraham born 2166 BC (lived 175 years).
- Isaac born 2066 BC (lived 180 years).
- Jacob born 2006 BC (lived 147 years).
- Joseph sold in 1898 BC; released from prison in 1885 BC; Jacob and family move to Egypt in 1876 BC; Joseph died 1805 BC (lived 110 years).
History—The Law or Torah
- The Pentateuch
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
Genesis Theme: Beginnings
- Genesis records the foundations for all of history: creation, fall, promise of redemption, flood judgment, formation of nations, and then narrows the redemptive theocratic line with his covenant to Abraham and his progeny, Israel. Genesis then traces this redemptive line through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
Genesis: Key Verses
- Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.”
- Genesis 12:3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis Overview
- Adam to Babel, 1-11
- Abraham, 12-20
- Abraham and Isaac, 21-24
- Isaac, Jacob, and Esau, 25-27
- Jacob and Esau, 28-36
- Joseph, 37-50
Trace the Theme of Genesis
- As a result of the prehistoric fall of Satan and the angels who chose to fall with him, God judged the earth. This is assumed, but not recorded in Genesis, by Moses, the author. Genesis begins with the re-creation or restoration of earth so that man may inhabit it (1-2). Satan in the form of a serpent tempted Eve and then Adam. Both chose to disobey God and became sinful (fall) (3.1-7). LORD God then made his redemption plan known to Satan and to Adam and Eve.
- God was going to solve the sin problem through a man born in the line of Adam and Eve—true humanity (3.14-16). Chapters 4-11 trace the growth and spread of man’s line. During this period mankind became so degenerate that the line of true humanity might be corrupted, so God destroyed all but Noah and his family through the universal flood.
- God called Abram who lived in Ur, a prestigious commercial and political city of about 350, 000 situated north of Persian Gulf. He sent Abram to Canaan. The promised redeemer was to be through Abram’s line (Israel). Genesis traces this line through Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve sons.
- Joseph (37), a son of Jacob, was sold by his brothers to be a slave. Joseph, by God’s design, ended up in Egypt, where he became a high official in the Egyptian government. Eventually, Jacob brought his family to Egypt (46). Joseph took care of them and from this family of 70 the nation of Israel grew into the Exodus generation.
- Genesis ends with Joseph confirming that God will return the Israelites to Canaan; he received a promise that they will take his bones back with them. He then dies (50).
Genesis Chapter Titles:
Adam to Babel, 1-11
- Chapter 1. Creation Six Days
- Chapter 2. Creation of Adam and Eve
- Chapter 3. Fall of Mankind
- Chapter 4. Cain and Abel
- Chapter 5. Adam to Noah
- Chapter 6. Noah – Build the Ark
- Chapter 7. Flood Over the Earth
- Chapter 8. Flood Recedes
- Chapter 9. Noah Covenant
- Chapter 10. Table of Nations
- Chapter 11. Tower of Babel
Abraham, 12-20
- Chapter 12. Land, Nation, and Blessing Promise
- Chapter 13. Lot Chooses Land
- Chapter 14. Abraham Rescues Lot
- Chapter 15. Lord’s Covenant with Abram
- Chapter 16. Ishmael Born
- Chapter 17. Covenant Through Isaac
- Chapter 18. If Ten Righteous in Sodom?
- Chapter 19. Lord Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah
- Chapter 20. Abraham and Abimelech
Abraham and Isaac, 21-24
- Chapter 21. Isaac Born
- Chapter 22. Isaac Offered As Sacrifice
- Chapter 23. Sarah Dies
- Chapter 24. Isaac Marries Rebekah
Isaac, Jacob, and Esau, 25-27
- Chapter 25. Abraham Dies – Jacob and Esau Birthright
- Chapter 26. Lord’s Covenant with Isaac
- Chapter 27. Isaac Blessed Jacob
Jacob and Esau, 28-36
- Chapter 28. Jacob’s Ladder Dream
- Chapter 29. Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel
- Chapter 30. Jacob’s Spotted and Speckled Lambs
- Chapter 31. Jacob Returns to Canaan
- Chapter 32. Jacob Wrestles with the Angel of the Lord
- Chapter 33. Jacob Reunited with Esau
- Chapter 34. Jacob’s Son Revenge Dinah
- Chapter 35. Jacob Named Israel;Isaac and Rachel Die
- Chapter 36. Esau’s Descendants
Joseph, 37-50
- Chapter 37. Joseph Sold to Ishmaelites Going to Egypt
- Chapter 38. Judah and Tamar
- Chapter 39. Potiphar’s Wife Accuses Joseph
- Chapter 40. Pharaoh’s Cupbearer and Baker in Jail
- Chapter 41. Seven Productive Years and Seven Famine Years
- Chapter 42. Joseph’s Brothers’ First Visit;Leave Simeon
- Chapter 43. Joseph’s brothers’ Second Visit; All Eat Together
- Chapter 44. Joseph’s Silver Cup in Benjamin’s Pack
- Chapter 45. Joseph Reveals Himself
- Chapter 46. Joseph’s Family Goes to Egypt
- Chapter 47. Joseph’s Famine Policy in Action
- Chapter 48. Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh
- Chapter 49. Jacob Blesses His Sons, then Dies
- Chapter 50. Joseph’s Final Days
Main People
- God (Elohim), Genesis 1.1 and many others
- LORD (Yahweh), Genesis 2.4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and many others
- Serpent (Satan), 3.1
- Adam, 1.20; 5.1
- Eve, 3.20 and 4.1
- Cain and Abel, 4.1-2
- Noah, 5.29
- Ham, Shem, and Japheth, 6.10
- Abram or Abraham, 11.26; 12.1; 15.1
- Sarai (11.29), Sarah (18.10)
- Ishmael, 16.3
- Isaac, 17.19; 21.3
- Jacob and Esau, 25.25-26
- Jacob’s sons, 49
- Joseph, 37.2
Key Words Used
- Created, Genesis 1.1
- Formed, Genesis 2.7
- Man, 1.26 and 2.7
- Woman, 2.22, 23
- Image and likeness, 1.26
- Bless, 12.2, 3
- Covenant, 17.2
Genesis: Key Doctrines
- God
- Angelic Conflict
- Creation
- Fall
- Sin
- Redemption
- Theocratic Program
- Divine Institutions
- Grace before Judgment
- Divine Discipline
- Salvation through Faith
- Abrahamic Covenant
- Israel
- God brings blessing from bad things
Lessons For Us Today
- God is the creator of all things and all life.
- God defeated Satan and paid the penalty for sin through his redemptive plan.
- The biblical worldview centers on creation, fall, redemption, resurrection, and judgment.
- God established certain divine institutions for mankind and supported them with his moral laws of civilization.
- God’s redemptive plan centers on Israel, the line of the Messiah Savior.
- God always keeps his Word.
- Salvation is through faith alone.
- God turns bad things into blessings for those who believe him.