Theme: Redemption; Key Verse: Exodus 13:18; Exodus 19:5 (Updated January 2006)
Exodus: English Title
The English title, Exodus, means “a going out [from Egypt],” and is from the LXX title, exodo~, Exodos. The Hebrew title is twmv hlawand means “And these are the names.”
Exodus Key Verses: Exodus 13:18 and 19:5-6
- Exodus 13:18 Hence God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea; and the sons of Israel went up in martial array from the land of Egypt.
- Exodus 19:5 ‘Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine; 6 and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel.”
- The Law – Torah
- The Pentateuch
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
Exodus: Theme
- God formed the Hebrews from the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Egypt; under the leadership of Moses, he delivered them from Egypt; he made them his priest nation and revealed his instructions, the Mosaic Law, at Sinai.
Exodus: Expanded Theme
- God created Israel—his priest nation—from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He used Joseph to protect the nation during the beginning years in Egypt. Years later, God raised up Moses to lead the new nation out of Egypt and back into Canaan, their homeland. A short time out of Egypt, God gave Israel the Law. The Mosaic Law was the constitution for the theocracy. The first half of Exodus (1-19) finds them in Egypt and then takes them to Sinai. The second half is the record of God’s laws and instructions (20-40). Moses records God’s successes alongside Israel’s unbelief and failures.
Exodus: Background to events?
- The Angelic Conflict in which Satan attempts to take God’s authority.
- God’s Redemption Plan through the seed of Eve to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- God made his unconditional covenant with Abraham to make him into a great nation and to bless the world through Abraham’s seed—specifically Jesus Christ.
- God formed the Hebrews into a nation in Egypt and later at Sinai God made them his priest nation.
- God’s redemption plan, through Israel, was on schedule, even though Satan repeatedly tried to stop God’s plan.
Exodus: When did all this happen?
- Genesis ended with the death of Joseph in Egypt in 1805 BC the age of 110 years.
- Moses was born in Egypt from parents of the tribe of Levi around 1520 BC (Exodus 2.1-10).
- Most of the events took place in the Sinai area around 1445 BC.
Exodus: Key Words
- Pharaoh
- Hardened
- Law
- Ordinances
- Plague
Exodus: Main People
- Moses
- Aaron
- Egyptians
- Pharaoh
- Israelites
Exodus: Narrative
- God prepared Moses for the leadership, formed the sons of Israel into a community, and Moses led them out of Egypt (1-12). The people repeatedly complain against God and Moses because they refuse to believe God’s word.
- At Sinai, God made them his kingdom of priest and his holy nation (19).
- God gave the Israeli people his law, called the Mosaic Law (20-34).
- While Moses was on Mount Sinai, Aaron failed as a leader and the people made the golden calf idol (32).
- Moses interceded for the people based upon God’s covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and God kept his word to bless Israel (32-34).The Israelites complete the tabernacle and God’s glory filled the tabernacle (35-40).
- Palace Fort 18th Dynasty. Ruins of a large fortification were discovered in the 1990s at Ramesses on the south bank of the Pelusiac branch of the Nile River. It was active during the 18th Dynasty, ca. 1550-1300 BC.
Exodus Route
Exodus Overview
- Exodus 1-6, Moses’ Preparation
- Exodus 7-18, Plagues and Exodus
- Exodus 19-24, Priest Nation and the Law
- Exodus 25-40, Tabernacle
Chapter Titles:
Moses’ Preparation, 1-6
- Chapter 1 – New Pharaoh and Midwives
- Chapter 2 – Moses Born, Taught, Midian
- Chapter 3 – Burning Bush Revelation
- Chapter 4 – Staff, Hand, Blood, Egypt
- Chapter 5 – Make More Bricks
- Chapter 6 – Moses, Tell Pharaoh
- Plagues and Exodus, 7-18
- Chapter 7 – Staff, Serpents, Nile Blood
- Chapter 8 – Frogs, Lice, Flies
- Chapter 9 – Disease, Boils, Hail
- Chapter 10 – Locust, Darkness
- Chapter 11 – Predicts Death
- Chapter 12 – Passover, Death, Exodus
Plagues and Exodus, 7-18
- Chapter 13 – Sanctify Firstborn
- Chapter 14 – Red Sea Deliverance
- Chapter 15 – Moses’ Song, Bitter Water
- Chapter 16 – Manna and Quail
- Chapter 17 – Rephidum, No Water, Amelek
- Chapter 18 – Jethro Advises Moses
Priest Nation and the Law, 19-24
- Chapter 19 – Mt. Sinai, Holy Priest Nation
- Chapter 20 – Ten Commandments
- Chapter 21 – Slaves, Personal Injury
- Chapter 22 – Laws, Restitution, Loans
- Chapter 23 – Justice, Sabbaths, Conquest
- Chapter 24 – Book of the Covenant, Stone Tablets
Tabernacle, 25-40
- Chapter 25 – Tabernacle
- Chapter 26 – Tabernacle
- Chapter 27 – Tabernacle
- Chapter 28 – Priest Uniform
- Chapter 29 – Consecrate Tabernacle and Priests
- Chapter 30 – Altar, Money, Laver, Oil, Incense
- Chapter 31 – Builders, Sabbath, Tablets
- Chapter 32 – Golden Calf
- Chapter 33 – Moses Face to Face with the Lord
- Chapter 34 – Ten Commandments and Shining Face
- Chapter 35 – Freewill Offerings for Tabernacle
- Chapter 36 – Excess Offerings, Curtains, Boards, Veil
- Chapter 37 – Mercy Seat, Table, Lampstand, Altar
- Chapter 38 – Brass Altar, Laver, Court
- Chapter 39 – Priests Clothes, Inspection Passed
- Chapter 40 – Set Up and Anoint Tabernacle. Lord’s Glory
Exodus: Key Doctrines
- Obey God, not man. 1
- Preparation for Service. 2-4
- God’s Glory and Character. 3, 33-34
- Importance of God’s Word. 3, 4, 20
- Authority. 4, 19
- Hard Heart. 4, 7-10, 14
- Faith Application of God’s Word. 3-5
- Lord will fight. 14
- 9Fear of the Lord. 14
- Unbelief. 4, 14, 15, 16, 17
- Leadership. 14, 18, 33
- Priest Nation. 19
- Sin. 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20
- Passover. 12-13
- Redemption. 12
- Divine Guidance. 13
- Heritage. 13
- Faith-Rest Principle. 14
- Mosaic Law. 20-40
- Levitical Priesthood. 28-29
- Golden Calf Idolatry. 32
- Grace. 32
- Freewill offerings. 35
- Tabernacle. 40
Exodus: Lesson For Us Today
- God is sovereign and holy, yet gracious and compassionate.
- Redemption is always through sacrifice.
- God does have His Plan for His people and guides His people.
- God reveals His word, inspires His word, illumines His word, and communicates His word.
- Unbelief or negative volition reaps consequences.
- God always keeps His word to His people.
- God appointed leadership is necessary for His people.