Acts Chapter Titles and Bible Study

Luke, the physician, wrote Acts about AD 62. Acts is Luke’s second volume written to Theophilus. He describes for Theophilus the beginning and early life of the church, which is Christ’s spiritual body.  Acts presents the development of the one body of Christ consisting of believing Jew and Gentile. It is the record of the transition from the age of Israel (Old Testament economy) to the church age (New Testament economy). The book includes the beginning, scattering, adjusting, expansion, and edification of the church.

God’s Transition from Israel to the Church.

Section 1, Church begins, chapters 1-2

1. Christ ascends, disciples wait

2. Pentecost

Section 2, Church scatters and adjusts, chapters 3-12

3. Not gold, but health

4. Peter and John on trial

5. Apostles must obey God

6. Seven table-servers

7. Stephen goes in glory

8. Saul’s inquisition, Philip’s ministry

9. Saul’s salvation

10. Cornelius and Peter

11. Peter’s Gentile report

12. James killed, Peter freed

Section 3, Paul travels, witnesses, and teaches, chapters 13-21

13. First trip (Pisidian Antioch)

14. First trip (Paul stoned)

15. Jerusalem council

16. Second trip (Philippi)

17. Second trip (Thessalonica, Berea, Athens)

18. Second trip (Corinth)

19. Third trip (Ephesus)

20. Third trip (Miletus)

21. Third trip (Jerusalem arrest)

Section 4, Paul under arrest, yet still serving, chapters 22-28

22. Paul’s first Jerusalem defense

23. Jerusalem conspiracy

24. Caesarea prison (Felix)

25. Caesarea prison (Festus)

26. Caesarea prison (Agrippa)

27. Ship to Rome and shipwreck

28. Two year house arrest