1 Corinthians Chapter Titles and Overview

By Tod Kennedy

Section 1, Foundations for Church Life, 1-2

  1. Chapter 1, Sanctified in Christ; foolishness and wisdom of the cross
  2. Chapter 2, God revealed and now teaches through the Holy Spirit

Section 2, Carnality in Church Life, 3-11

  1. Chapter 3, Carnality, production, and God’s temple
  2. Chapter 4, Faithful stewards; the church needs them
  3. Chapter 5, Separation from believers characterized by consistent and well known sin
  4. Chapter 6, Lawsuits; sin patterns; and the temple of the Holy Spirit
  5. Chapter 7, Sex, marriage, and the status quo.
  6. Chapter 8, Knowledge and love; sacrificial food and the weak believer; the law of liberty and the law of love
  7. Chapter 9, God’s communicator should be well pain, but the ministry, not money, must motivate him
  8. Chapter 10, Israel an example; idols and demons; the law of liberty and the law of profitability
  9. Chapter 11, Headship and authority; order; the Lord’s table in church assembly

Section 3, Edification in Church Life, 12-14

  1. Chapter 12, Spiritual gifts, service, and the church
  2. Chapter 13, Love that God produces
  3. Chapter 14, Communication gifts are to edify the church

Section 4, Resurrection, Victory for the Church, 15-16

  1. Chapter 15, Christ’s resurrection ensured the believer’s resurrection
  2. Chapter 16, Orderly giving; ministry instruction; and greetings