Spiritual Freedom and Human Freedom


  • Summary
    • Scripture Passages: John 8:32-26; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:1, 13; 1 Peter 2:16; Exodus 20:1-17; Nehemiah 4; Acts 17:24-31; Acts 22:27-29; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Corinthians 7:21; 1 Peter 2:.13-17
    • God’s authority establishes freedom; freedom requires responsibility; responsibility protects freedom and restrains authority.
  • Spiritual freedom is based on the cross and the Word of God.
    • Spiritual freedom is defined by
      • The Person and work of Christ,
      • Bible doctrine, and
      • Faith.
  • Human freedom is based on the sword, on truth, and on morality.
    • Human freedom is defined by
      • The Divine Institutions,
      • The Divine Laws of Civilization, and
      • A people’s national heritage.
  • Spiritual freedom’s assest is relationship with God (Theocratic kingdom in the Old Testament time and Union with Christ in the Church Age). Our church age relationship includes:
    • Our Royal Birthright,
    • Our Spiritual Blessings, and
    • We are Spiritual Winners. We possess
      • Spiritual wealth
      • Aristocracy with a purpose, and
      •     God is for us.
  • Human freedom’s asset is that God created mankind in his image.
    • Man has God consciousness, self-consciousness, moral reasoning, volition, conscience, and emotion-appreciation.
    • Mankind is to rule earth-creation.
  • Spiritual freedom’s action is to live the Christian life.
    • Believers are to execute the plan of God—mission, preparation, environment, and practice.
    • Believers are to live by faith: toward God, toward God’s Word, toward God’s Plan.
    • Believers are to live daily by applying the basic techniques of the Christian life.
  • Human freedom’s action is to preserve individual freedom.
    • People must understand and submit to proper authority.
    • People must recognize and apply the divine institutions and the divine laws of civilizations.
    • People must cherish, preserve, and pass on individual freedom, private property, and individual privacy.
    • People must live moral lives.
  • Spiritual freedom’s adversaries attempt to distract and hinder the believer from successfully living the Christian life.
    • The angelic conflict rages around us.
    • The old sin nature rages in us.
    • The world system rages at our thinking and our doctrine.
  • Human freedom’s adversaries are wrong ideas devised to cause rebellion against God.
    • God is non-existent (atheism), or all is God (pantheism), or God is not relevant.
    • Physical matter is the only reality (materialism).
    • Evolution is the cause for life and society (biological, moral, political, social, and economic).
    • Mankind is an animal and is perfectible.
    • Morality is relative.
    • Human good is good enough.
    • State ownership and/or control of ideas, property, privacy is good.
    • World government and world religion are good.