See Luke 24.21-27 and Acts 7
- Genesis 1.1 God created heavens and earth
- Genesis 1.26-27 God created mankind in his own image
- Genesis 3.1-7 Sin of Adam and Eve caused the fall of mankind
- Genesis 3.15 God promised victory over Satan through a son of Eve
- Genesis 9 Noah—command, covenant, Shem
- Genesis 12.1-3 Genesis 15:17-21, Genesis 17 Abraham covenant (land, people blessing)
- Exodus 12-13 Passover and Exodus
- 2 Samuel 7.12-16 David covenant
- Isaiah 7.14 Promise of a virgin conception and birth
- Isaiah 9.6-7 Child born, Son given, Davidic kingdom forever
- Isaiah 53 Messiah judged in our place for our sin
- Jeremiah 31.27-34 New covenant for Israel
- Micah 5.2 Future eternal ruler born in Bethlehem
- Zechariah 12.10 Israel will look on their Messiah whom they crucified
- Zechariah 14.9 The Lord will be king over all the earth
- Matthew 1.21-25 Virgin Mary will bear Jesus, the savior as Isaiah predicted
- John 1.14 Word became flesh and lived among people
- John 1.29 Jesus the lamb of God
- 1Timothy 1.5 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
- Luke 23-24 Jesus was crucified for our sins, arose, ascended to heaven
- Acts 1.1-11 Christ Jesus ascended to heaven and will later return to earth
- 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 Resurrection and Jesus takes his church to heaven
- 2 Corinthians 5.6-10 The judgment seat of Christ
- Matthew 24.1-29 Day of the LORD, the Tribulation
- Zechariah 14.9-21; Revelation 20.1-6 Christ returns, the Millennial Kingdom
- Revelation 20.7-15 Last resurrection and Great White Throne judgment
- 1 Corinthians 15.24-28 Jesus abolished all other rule, including death
- Revelation 21.1-8 New heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem, eternity