Redemption Road, Creation to the New Heavens and New Earth

See Luke 24.21-27 and Acts 7


  1. Genesis 1.1 God created heavens and earth
  2. Genesis 1.26-27 God created mankind in his own image
  3. Genesis 3.1-7 Sin of Adam and Eve caused the fall of mankind
  4. Genesis 3.15 God promised victory over Satan through a son of Eve
  5. Genesis 9 Noah—command, covenant, Shem
  6. Genesis 12.1-3 Genesis 15:17-21, Genesis 17 Abraham covenant (land, people blessing)
  7. Exodus 12-13 Passover and Exodus


  1. 2 Samuel 7.12-16 David covenant
  2. Isaiah 7.14 Promise of a virgin conception and birth
  3. Isaiah 9.6-7 Child born, Son given, Davidic kingdom forever
  4. Isaiah 53 Messiah judged in our place for our sin
  5. Jeremiah 31.27-34 New covenant for Israel
  6. Micah 5.2 Future eternal ruler born in Bethlehem
  7. Zechariah 12.10 Israel will look on their Messiah whom they crucified
  8. Zechariah 14.9 The Lord will be king over all the earth
  9. Matthew 1.21-25 Virgin Mary will bear Jesus, the savior as Isaiah predicted


  1. John 1.14 Word became flesh and lived among people
  2. John 1.29 Jesus the lamb of God
  3. 1Timothy 1.5 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
  4. Luke 23-24 Jesus was crucified for our sins, arose, ascended to heaven
  5. Acts 1.1-11 Christ Jesus ascended to heaven and will later return to earth


  1. 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 Resurrection and Jesus takes his church to heaven
  2. 2 Corinthians 5.6-10 The judgment seat of Christ
  3. Matthew 24.1-29 Day of the LORD, the Tribulation
  4. Zechariah 14.9-21; Revelation 20.1-6 Christ returns, the Millennial Kingdom
  5. Revelation 20.7-15 Last resurrection and Great White Throne judgment
  6. 1 Corinthians 15.24-28 Jesus abolished all other rule, including death
  7. Revelation 21.1-8 New heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem, eternity