11 Messianic Prophecies
- Seed of a woman (Genesis 3.15, Matthew 1.23, Galatians 3.16)
- Seed of Abraham (Genesis 12.3; Matthew 1.1; Galatians 3.8,16)
- Tribe of Judah (Genesis 49.10; Hebrews 7.14)
- Born from a virgin (Isaiah 7.14; Matthew 1.23)
- Son of David who will deliver and rule Israel (Isaiah 9.7; Jeremiah 23.5-6; Matthew 1.1; Mark 15.2)
- He is God and Man (Isaiah 9.6; John 1.1,14)
- Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5.2; Luke 2.1-7; John 7.42)
- Preceded by a messenger (Malachi 3.1; 4.5; Matthew 11.10-14; Luke 1.13-17)
- Dies at the predicted time (Daniel 9.24-26; Gal 4.4)
- Dies for sins of others and arose (Isaiah 53; Luke 24.44-48; 1 Corinthians 15.3-8)
- He will return to reign in the Millennial Kingdom and then forever (Daniel 7.13-14; Zechariah 12.8-10; Matthew 24.27-30; Revelation 19-21).