Marriage Roles


  • Man
    • Love the wife with divine love produced by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5.25, 28, 33).
    • Live with the wife according to knowledge: She is the weaker member and she is equal in Christ (1 Peter 3.7).
    • Do not have mental attitude sins toward her (Colossians 3.19).
    • Live the Christian way of life (Colossians 3.17, 25).
  • Woman
    • Accept the headship and authority of the man (Ephesians 5.22, 33).
    • Develop and display inner beauty (1 Peter 3.6).
    • Help the man to do his job, not hinder him (Genesis 2.18).
    • Live the Christian way of life (Colossians 3.17, 25).